Electronic Signature
The e-signature issued by CERTUM which is on our offer includes Kits for putting a secure electronic signature with issuing and renewals of the very qualified certificates. They comply with the regulations of the Act on Electronic Signature.
- Qualified e-signatures and e-seals validation service - Webnotarius
WebNotarius is the firstPolish service validating electronic signatures and electronic seals. WebNotarius confirms the authenticity of an electronic signature. It is a 100% guarantee that the document has not been forged. The WebNotarius service is compliant with eIDAS regulation.
Discount available when purchasing multiple number of validationes:
Number of validationes Discount 10-49 18% 50-99 27% 100-499 49% 500 and more 69% You can use the service at webnotarius.eu
from €11.00 gross from €11.00 netgross net